Astral Atlas Filter -
Vendor: Astral

Astral Atlas Filter.
Made of reinforced polyester resin and fibreglass. Excellent finish with gel-coat colour. The filter has been designed with higher coefficient of security to guarantee a perfect operation. The union of the two bodies of the filter is carried out through a seal specially reinforced with fibreglass and polyester resin. Large diameter plastic lid. Cap to make the sand discharge into the filter easier. Fitted with 1" collector arms and diffuser made from unplasticised PVC. Interior pipe with tubes of PN-16. Sand purge 2.5". Fitted with pressure gauge, air purge and manual water drain. Connections to multiport valve with six positions: filter, backwash, rinse recirculate, waste and closed. The filter has a security valve to avoid any over-pressure. Maximum working pressure of 2.5Kg/cm2.